Looking at the world through my ocean by Svetlana Kornilova

The painting “Looking at the world through your ocean” (oil on canvas, 50×80 cm) was painted during the quarantine period, in April 2020, the first sketches were made in February 2020, and the idea arose much earlier.
We humans, especially residents of big cities, love to plan. Everyone has a plan for a week, a month, a year, and more. The schedule can be so tight that we do not have time to think: “Who am I, and who are these people around?” Waking up early, jogging / exercising – breakfast in a cafe, meetings, work, dinner in a restaurant, cinema, sleep, and the circle is endless.
Now, suddenly, it turned out so that suddenly there is no need to run anywhere. We are closed within the walls of our home with family, children, and most unexpectedly, with ourselves. And we swim in what we created. You cannot leave, run away, you cannot betray responsibilities: there is only what you have prepared, to communicate with those who are nearby, to look the way you really are and experience what you have accumulated in your head and heart. This vacuum reveals the truth from which it was so easy to hide in the hustle and bustle of the standard schedule. Time to look at yourself, dive to the very depths of your ocean. The time when you are seen through the thickness of this water, as through a lens. It’s time to think, work, get better.

I explore the ephemerality of our current existence. Despite of the fact that we are in material space, our life is increasingly flowing into the net. The possibilities of modern technologies allow you to transfer most of your time into the nets of electronic devices, leaving real life outside of it. Thus, a person begins to live more and more not in the real world, but in the world of information phantoms. In my paintings, I try to fix a person in the material space. My characters perform intelligible, tangible actions within recognizable physical objects. I portray an ideal world where everything is in its place.”

I often turn to the theme of childhood. After all, childhood is the beginning of a person, the basis of his relationship with the outside world. By placing an object in canvas space, I show the situation or stage that the person is going through. That is, the picture is like a portal through which the viewer can look back, plunge into their memories or suggest some events in the future.


Posted in C19

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